Document Destruction Services

What can go into Document Shredding Bins

We often get asked, what can we place into the document bin? In short, the answer is Paper, Although this covers more than you may think, here are some examples of paper items you can put into the document bin for shredding;

 Old Receipts
 Bank Records
 Supplier Invoices
 Delivery Slips
 Staff Documents
 Medical Records
 Docket Books
 Printed Advertising
 Cheque books
 Manila Folders
 Staples, Paper Clips and Bulldog Clips are OK.

Things that are not to placed into document bins are;

 General Rubbish
 Food Scraps
 Cans or Bottles
 Plastic Bags
 Lever Arch Folders
 Plastic Folders and Sleeves
 CD/DVD’s
 X-Rays
 Batteries
 Steel or Metal objects

If you do have items such as CD’s, DVD’s, Hard Drives or X-Rays and you would like them destroyed, we can do this separately.

Document Destruction Services