Proshred Supports the Luke Priddis Foundation
The Luke Priddis Foundation is a local charity that assists children with Autism, founded by Luke & Holly Priddis after their son Cooper was diagnosed with Autism.
The Luke Priddis Foundation does a lot to help the local community, assisting hundreds of families with autistic children.
Our eldest son was diagnosed with Asperger’s which is a mild form of Autism and it made sense to donate our services and a secure document bin to the Luke Priddis Foundation.
When dealing with families, medical issues and applying for government assistance the Luke Priddis Foundation deals with a lot of confidential documents, having a secure document bin onsite gives the families assurance that their confidential information is taken seriously, knowing that their documents will be shredded and destroyed once no longer required.
Proshred is more than happy to assist a local charity that helps so many local families.